My recent study of new-year-related domain names[1] highlighted the case of 2025[.]com, registered on 23-Aug-1998 (the oldest '2025'-specific .com domain currently registered). The domain is also an example of a numeric name, the subject of another recent study[2]. 'Year' domain names - that is, where the SLD (or second-level domain, i.e. the part of the domain name to the left of the dot) string is simply a four-digit number in the form of a year in the modern era, can be highly attractive from the point of view of memorability, use-cases, search-engine prominence and tradability, with (for example) 2025[.]org resolving to a Sedo domain marketplace page offering the sale of the domain name for $1M.
In this study, I consider the sets of 200 domain names with SLDs between '1900' and '2099', across popular domain extensions (top-level domains, or TLDs), to identify any trends and patterns in the registrations.
The analysis considers the 'big five' legacy TLDs (that is, .com, .net, .biz, .org and .info), for which comprehensive information is available, both from the point of view of zone-file data (though this is not strictly necessary in this study, due to the fact that the SLDs are defined in advance) and domain registration data from automated whois look-ups. It is worth noting that all 1,000 possible domain names within the dataset are already taken, with none available for registration.
Figure 1 shows the registration dates for each of the 200 .com examples, as a function of the SLD (i.e. the year string). The domains were registered over a period between 13-Jan-1995 (2020[.]com) and 28-Jul-2010 (2038[.]com) - noting that these are the most recent registration dates, and some of the names may have been registered previously and subsequently allowed to lapse. 2038[.]com, for example, actually has a registration history (based on cached historical records) dating back to 22-May-1998.
Figure 1: (Most recent) registration (i.e. creation) dates for the 200 .com 'year' domains in the dataset
The next point to note is that groups of potentially related registrations appear on the graph as horizontal 'clusters' (i.e. similarly named domains appearing at identical or similar dates). For example, two obvious such groups are:
- 2081[.]com, 2082[.]com, 2083[.]com, 2085[.]com, 2086[.]com, 2087[.]com, 2089[.]com, 2093[.]com, 2094[.]com, 2098[.]com, 2096[.]com - all registered on 17 and 18-Nov-1999
- 2034[.]com, 2037[.]com, 2041[.]com, 2043[.]com, 2044[.]com, 2046[.]com, 2047[.]com, 2049[.]com, 2051[.]com, 2052[.]com, 2053[.]com, 2054[.]com, 2055[.]com, 2056[.]com, 2057[.]com, 2065[.]com, 2066[.]com - all registered between 09 and 11-Dec-1999
Like many domains in the post-GDPR world (and as remarked in my recent article on 'dark' whois records[3]), the whois details for these domains are almost all essentially entirely redacted, meaning other factors such as commonalities in registration dates (as discussed here) and other factors, such as the registrar - and historical records, as discussed below - are necessary in identifying probable clusters of associated registrations. Nevertheless, in cases of potential brand infringements or other fraudulent use (for example), this exercise can be key in identifying serial infringers, demonstrating bad-faith activity and allowing bulk takedowns.
The analysis can then be widened out by adding in the data for the other five TLDs, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: (Most recent) registration (i.e. creation) dates for the 1,000 'year' domains in the dataset (covering all five TLDs considered)
Apart from the high-level trends (that the .com and .net names have, in general, been (most recently) registered considerably longer ago than (say) the .biz and .info names), other groups of registrations which are likely linked to each other become apparent. With the data plotted in this format, registrations covering similar SLDs at similar or identical dates, even when registered across different TLDs, appear as physical clusters on the plot.
What is perhaps less straightforward to see in this format is the (arguably most significant) case where the same SLD is registered across different TLDs on the same date (in which case the data points will overlay each other). These cases can be explicitly identified by visualising the data in a different way: for each SLD, there are five TLDs (or distinct domain names) (.com, .net, .biz, .org, .info) being considered, and therefore ten pairs of domains (net/com, biz/com, org/com, info/com, biz/net, org/net, info/net, org/biz, info/biz, info/org) for which the registration dates are to be compared. Appendix A shows the intervals (in days) between the registrations of the same SLD for each of the ten pairs of TLDs. The simplest way of drawing insights from the data is by highlighting all cases where the interval is less than a certain threshold (in this case, 7 days) - i.e. where the domains SLD.TLD1 and SLD.TLD2 were registered less than a week apart.
From this analysis, we can widen out the second of the two potential clusters listed above (for example) to include examples (Table 1).
* Those domains least likely to be connected to the remainder of the cluster
Table 1: Registration details for a potential cluster of associated registrations
If the associated sites represented some sort of infringement requiring enforcement, in many cases it may be helpful to uncover 'real-world' contact details for the actual domain owner(s). Possible ways of achieving this objective may be to launch some sort of domain dispute (though this can be slow and costly) or through an unmasking request to (say) the registrar (though this typically requires proof of a breach of terms and conditions, and registrars differ markedly in their levels of compliance). It is often more efficient to use an open-source intelligence (OSINT) investigation approach, which can include analysis of the current or cached historical content of the websites in question, or analysis of cached whois records. In many cases, whois records yielded richer information prior to the introduction of GDPR in 2018 and - given in these cases that the domains have been continuously registered since December 1999 - contact details from any point subsequent to this date may be associated with the current owner. For 2034[.]com (for example), the following historical details are given:
By following these threads across the other domains, a deeper view of the cluster can be ascertained. For example, the earliest of the three e-mail addresses listed above appears in the historical whois records of 80 domains in total - including a number of additional numeric domains - giving an overview of the owner's portfolio (Appendix B). One of these appears to be the owner's personal website; it is not currently active, but a cached view from 2002 from[4] includes a range of pieces of personal information (Figure 3).
Figure 3: A historical view of the website at kylecrothers[.]com
Appendix A: Intervals (in days) between the registration of the same SLD across different TLDs (for each of the ten TLD pairs under consideration)
Instances where this value is less than 7 days are highlighted in red.
Appendix B: Domains where kyle_crothers[at] appears in the historical whois record
Domain |
Created |
Registrar |
1087[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
1096[.]com | 11-Jan-2009 |, LLC |
1125[.]com | 09-Dec-1999 |, Inc. |
1224[.]com | 09-Dec-1999 | Alibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina ( |
1650[.]com | 13-Dec-1999 | eName Technology Co.,Ltd. |
1772[.]com | 13-Dec-1999 | eName Technology Co.,Ltd. |
1889[.]com | 09-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
1908[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
1914[.]com | 09-Dec-1999 |, Inc. |
1924[.]com | 09-Dec-1999 | eName Technology Co.,Ltd. |
2026[.]net | 13-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2032[.]net | 13-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2034[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2034[.]net | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2037[.]com | 09-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2041[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2043[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2044[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2044[.]net | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2046[.]com | 09-Dec-1999 |, Inc. |
2047[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2049[.]com | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2051[.]com | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2052[.]com | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2052[.]net | 14-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2053[.]com | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2054[.]com | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2054[.]net | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2055[.]com | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2055[.]net | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2056[.]com | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2056[.]net | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
2057[.]com | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
24-7admin[.]com | 18-Oct-2018 | NameSilo, LLC |
2772[.]com | 10-Dec-1999 | Alibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina ( |
30000[.]com | 14-Dec-1999 | eName Technology Co.,Ltd. |
3773[.]com | 09-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
40000[.]com | 14-Dec-1999 | eName Technology Co.,Ltd. |
4010[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 | Deutsche Telekom AG |
4020[.]com | 13-Dec-1999 | Squarespace Domains II LLC |
5010[.]com | 01-Sep-1999 |, LLC |
5025[.]com | 11-Dec-1999 |, Inc. |
6010[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
6050[.]com | 13-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
7010[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
8010[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 | eName Technology Co.,Ltd. |
8050[.]com | 13-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
barfface[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
bigjoke[.]com | 16-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
crothers[.]org | 24-Feb-2015 |, LLC |
e2011[.]com | 14-Jan-2000 | NameSilo, LLC |
e2012[.]com | 14-Jan-2000 |, LLC |
e2015[.]com | 14-Jan-2000 |, LLC |
geekslacker[.]com | 18-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
greenlobster[.]com | 08-Jun-2000 |, LLC |
i2011[.]com | 14-Jan-2000 | NameSilo, LLC |
i2012[.]com | 14-Jan-2000 |, LLC |
i2014[.]com | 10-Mar-2000 |, LLC |
i2015[.]com | 14-Jan-2000 |, LLC |
kyle-crothers[.]com | 08-Dec-1999 |, llc |
kylecrothers[.]com | 09-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
lawson-techs[.]com | 24-Aug-1999 |, llc |
lawsonadmin[.]com | 15-Aug-2000 |, LLC |
lawsonadmin[.]net | 28-Sep-2000 | GO DADDY SOFTWARE INC |
lawsonadmin[.]org | 28-Sep-2000 | GO DADDY SOFTWARE INC |
lawsonexperts[.]com | 03-Jan-2001 |, LLC |
lawsonexperts[.]net | 23-Mar-2017 | RJG VENTURES, L.L.C |
lawsonpeople[.]com | 16-Mar-2001 |, LLC |
lawsonpeople[.]net | 16-Mar-2001 |, LLC |
lawsonrecruiting[.]com | 16-Mar-2001 |, LLC |
lawsonrecruiting[.]net | 16-Mar-2001 |, LLC |
powermodem[.]com | 14-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
powermodems[.]com | 14-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
quickwires[.]com | 16-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
realtx[.]net | 10-Dec-1999 |, LLC |
stefco[.]com | 06-Dec-1995 | Squarespace Domains II LLC |
streetyacht[.]com | 29-Nov-2013 | TurnCommerce, Inc. DBA |
streetyachts[.]com | 29-Nov-2019 | TurnCommerce, Inc. DBA |
tourneyrank[.]com | 03-Apr-2021 | Pte. Ltd. |
tournyrank[.]com | 30-Aug-2006 |, llc |
This article was first published on 26 December 2024 at: